How to Clean a Motorcycle Helmet: 5 Quick Ways to Make Your Motorcycle Helmet Sparkle and Shine!

Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience. However, keeping your motorcycle helmet clean is essential for comfort, hygiene and safety. A dirty helmet not only looks bad but can also hinder visibility and cause distractions while riding. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to clean your motorcycle helmet properly.

Why is Cleaning Your Motorcycle Helmet Important?

A clean motorcycle helmet ensures:

  • Better vision and visibility – Dirt, grime and fogging can obstruct your view and make it dangerous to ride. Cleaning removes debris so you can see clearly.
  • Improved safety – Cleaning gets rid of grease and oil that can cause the helmet to slip and loosen while riding. It also improves stability and makes sure the helmet fits right.
  • Hygiene – Sweat, dirt and bacteria accumulate inside an uncleaned helmet. This can cause breakouts, irritation and unpleasant odors. Regular cleaning maintains hygiene.
  • Enhanced comfort – Dust and pollen buildup can make wearing the helmet uncomfortable by blocking ventilation and causing allergies/sneezing. Cleaning alleviates this.
  • Longer helmet life – Letting dirt and grime buildup degrades the helmet components faster. Regular cleaning extends its life significantly.

How Often Should You Clean Your Motorcycle Helmet?

Helmet cleaning frequency depends on how much you ride your motorcycle:

  • Occasional riders – Clean every 2-3 months.
  • Regular commuters – Clean every 4-6 weeks.
  • Daily riders – Clean every 2-3 weeks.
  • Dirt bike/off-road – Clean after every ride.

Additionally, clean the helmet immediately if:

  • The visor is very dirty and affects visibility.
  • You notice scratches or a hazy/foggy visor.
  • The inner lining smells bad or feels dirty against the skin.
  • You dropped the helmet accidentally.
  • The helmet got exposed to rain or sweat excessively.

What Cleaning Products Should You Use?

Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the helmet shell and lining. The best products for cleaning motorcycle helmets are:

Helmet Exterior

  • Baby shampoo/mild detergent – Cleans shell, visor and shield without damage.
  • Microfiber cloth – Gently wipes away dirt without scratching.
  • Soft bristle brush – Loosens and dislodges dried dirt.
  • Eyeglass lens cleaner – Removes tough marks on visor and shield.

Helmet Interior

  • Anti-bacterial sprays – Kills germs and removes odors.
  • Lemon juice – A natural deodorizer and mild cleaner.
  • Baking soda – Absorbs odors and sweat. Sprinkle on lining before wiping.
  • Hand sanitizer – Disinfects the lining rapidly.


  • Foaming helmet cleaner – Made specifically for visors and shields.
  • Toothpaste – Lightly polishes plastic visors to remove scratches.
  • Plexus Plastic Cleaner – Cleans and restores matte finish on shields.

Avoid using paper towels, abrasive pads or aggressive solvents. Test cleaners on small sections first to check for damage.

Step-by-Step Motorcycle Helmet Cleaning

Follow these steps to clean your motorcycle helmet thoroughly:

Remove the Inner Lining

The removable liner and cheek pads are usually attached with snap fasteners or velcro. Undo them gently and pull out the lining. This gives better access for deep cleaning.

Shake Out Loose Dirt

Hold the helmet outside and shake it upside down firmly. This will get rid of dust and debris inside the helmet.

Wash the Inner Lining

Soak the lining in warm water mixed with a small amount of mild detergent. Swirl it around and let it soak for 15 minutes.

Rinse the lining thoroughly with clean water. Squeeze out excess water and let it air dry completely.

You can also put the lining in a washing machine bag and machine wash on a gentle cycle.

Clean the Helmet Interior

Spray anti-bacterial solution inside the helmet cavity. Let it act for 5 minutes.

Use a soft brush to scrub the interior walls and foam padding gently. This will dislodge dirt and grime.

Wipe with a microfiber cloth. For tough odors, spray lemon juice or baking soda before wiping.

Leave the helmet open so the interior dries fully. Direct a fan inside the cavity to speed up drying.

Wash the Helmet Exterior

Fill a bucket or sink with cool water and add a small amount of mild detergent.

Using a soft bristle brush, gently scrub the entire outer shell of the helmet. Pay extra attention to vent openings and crevices.

Rinse with clean water to remove all traces of soap residue. Wipe dry with a non-abrasive microfiber cloth.

For a thorough clean, repeat the wash cycle again. This will remove stubborn dirt and grime.

Clean the Visor/Shield

Apply a foaming helmet cleaner or eyeglass lens cleaner on the visor/shield as per product instructions.

Gently rub the visor with a microfiber cloth to loosen dirt. Do not scrub hard.

Rinse visor with water and wipe dry with a non-abrasive cloth. Repeat if needed.

For deep scratches on plastic visors, apply a small amount of toothpaste and buff in circles using a soft cloth. Rinse off residue.

Clean the Exterior Again

Once fully dry, use an alcoholic hand sanitizer to wipe down the helmet exterior one more time.

This will sanitize the helmet and remove any remaining oils or grease spots.

Allow the helmet to air dry fully before re-assembling the lining and cushions.

Tips to Keep Your Motorcycle Helmet Clean

  • Use a helmet cover or bag to prevent dirt buildup between uses.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals or solvents on the visor.
  • Stuff the helmet with newspaper after cleaning to help it retain shape and dry faster.
  • Replace the inner lining if it becomes excessively dirty or worn out.
  • Use a fresh neck scarf each time to absorb sweat and oils.
  • Do not put stickers on the shell as adhesive residue is tough to remove.
  • Apply an anti-fog visor spray to prevent fogging and improve water beading.
  • Store the helmet in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


Keeping your motorcycle helmet clean is a vital part of maintenance and safety. Regular cleaning not only improves hygiene and comfort but also maintains the integrity of the helmet components. Use the right helmet cleaning products and follow the proper techniques mentioned above.

Deep clean your helmet at least once a month or more frequently if you ride daily. With a little care and effort, your motorcycle helmet can look and function like new for years. Investing 5-10 minutes after each ride to wipe it down with a sanitizing wipe also keeps the helmet fresh. Make helmet cleaning a habit and enjoy many miles of safe, comfortable motorcycle riding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about How to Clean a Motorcycle Helmet:

How do I clean the anti-fog visor on my helmet?

Use a small amount of dish soap and warm water to clean the visor. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Next, apply a thin coat of anti-fog visor solution. Allow it to dry fully before using the helmet. Re-apply anti-fog coating whenever visor starts fogging again.

What is the best way to get rid of scratches on a polycarbonate visor?

For light scratches, gently rub the visor with premium grade toothpaste using small circular motions. The abrasives in the toothpaste will buff out fine scratches. For deeper scratches, you may need to replace the visor.

How do I clean the vent foams in my helmet?

Soak the vent foams in warm water mixed with a mild detergent. Swirl the foam pieces around and squeeze repeatedly to dislodge grime. Rinse thoroughly under running water till all suds wash away. Squeeze excess water out and let the foams dry fully before re-inserting.

Can I put my helmet in the washing machine to clean it?

It is best to clean your helmet by hand to avoid damage. If needed, only the removable interior lining can be machine washed on the gentlest setting. Keep the helmet shell itself away from the washing machine – the agitation can weaken glues and paint.

What is the best way to clean the buckles and snaps on my helmet?

Mix a weak solution of mild detergent with warm water. Dip a soft bristle brush in and gently scrub the snaps and buckles to clean grime. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Avoid submerging the helmet shell in water to prevent water seeping inside.

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