How to Measure Your Head for a Helmet?

Getting accurate head measurements is crucial for finding a helmet that fits safely and comfortably. The proper sizing and shape match reduces risk and optimizes performance. This guide covers simple techniques anyone can use to measure their head at home plus professional fitting options.

What Are the Key Head Dimensions to Measure for Helmet Sizing?

Two essential measurements determine overall helmet size:

  • Head circumference – Wrapping a tape around the full circumference of your head above the eyebrows and ears. Indicates the distance helmets must encompass.
  • Ear to ear diameter – Measuring the straight line distance between the center of one ear and the other. Helps gauge front to back coverage.

Together these measurements can be used to identify the best fitting helmet size from brand sizing charts. Some also recommend measuring front to back and side to side.

What Are Some Best Practices For Measuring Your Own Head?

Follow tips for accurate self-measurements at home:

  • Remove hats, hairstyles, buns, etc. that add volume. Use your true head.
  • Use a cloth measuring tape, not rigid. It flexes for consistent tension around curves.
  • For circumference, wrap tape evenly around head about one inch above eyebrows. Avoid uneven tightness or gaps.
  • Take measurements in the evening for consistency as heads swell slightly during the day.
  • Perform measurements in front of a mirror to verify tape positioning.
  • Capture multiple measurements to ensure accuracy. Average results.
  • For ear to ear, measure straight line point to point, don’t arc over head.

Precise self-measurements provide a strong starting point for finding helmets likely to fit correctly.

What Are Some Difficulties or Errors to Avoid When Measuring Your Own Head?

Beware these hazards impacting self-measurements:

  • Inconsistent tape tension – Results vary based on how tight or loose tape is pulled.
  • Position slipping – Tape slides down as you wrap or read, giving smaller result.
  • Hair interference – Braids, volume gives larger reading versus scalp alone.
  • Swelling – Measuring after exercise or allergies can skew size.
  • Improper units – Mixing centimeters and inches leads to size mismatch.
  • Reading precision – Rounding or misreading tape by 1/4 inch alters helmet fit.
  • Unmarked tape – Absence of units or unreliable cloth tape mars accuracy.
  • Ear position – Measuring ear center incorrectly throws sizing off.

Self-measurements work but controlling variables boosts reliability. Involve a helper when possible.

What Are Helmet Sizing Pads and How Do They Aid Fit?

Most helmet brands use removable padding sets for customization:

  • Foam or inflatable pads snap or velcro into lining.
  • Thicker pads add increments of size while thinner pads decrease fit.
  • Mixing pad sets enables fine tuning for unique head shape and personal preference.
  • Users can self-adjust and swap pads until optimal snugness, support, and comfort is reached.
  • Allows the same outer shell to accommodate small variations in user size.

Pads enable self-adjustment even after measuring and ordering for inexpensive customization.

How Well Can Children Measure Their Own Heads for Helmet Sizing?

Having adults handle the measuring for kids is best:

  • Young children don’t understand importance of precision and consistency.
  • They lack fine motor skills to position and wrap tape accurately themselves.
  • Kids wiggle and rush, affecting reliability.
  • Children’s rapid growth requires more frequent measurements for proper fit.
  • Parent or coach assistance ensures proper tape technique and reading for safety.
  • Makes the process quicker and more reliable for the child.

Until around age 10, outside help will likely produce superior helmet fit measurements for children.

What Special Considerations Exist for Measuring Infant Heads?

Infant and toddler heads require extra care when measuring:

  • Very young skulls are still soft and malleable. Handle gently.
  • Measure while child is calm and still to prevent distorting shape.
  • Wrap tape delicately, applying minimal pressure.
  • Compare against pediatric growth charts for appropriate range.
  • Repeat measures at different times to confirm accurate average size.
  • Seek professional help fitting helmets for infants under 1 year old.

Proper helmet fit helps support healthy head development early on while preventing injury.

What Role Does Hair Impact Helmet Fit and Measurement?

Hairstyles influence the measuring process:

  • Thick, voluminous hair adds size versus scalp size alone.
  • Braids, buns and ponytails change shape and create pressure points.
  • Long hair is less problematic than wider styles for fit.
  • Users must decide to measure over or under hair based on helmet type.
  • Measure over for flexibility but expect snugger fit once hair is inside.
  • Measuring through to scalp gives truer size but less wiggle room for hair.
  • Buzz cuts remove variables but some prefer accounting for hair.

Considering hair goals and helmet features prevents discomfort and headaches.

Should Hat Size Be Used To Pick Helmets? How Does It Compare?

Hat sizes often don’t equate directly to helmet sizes:

  • Hats account for more hair volume by adding circumference.
  • Beanies and adjustable caps have more stretch than helmets.
  • Hard hats use different scales not matching helmets.
  • Hat sizes measured are non-standardized and less precise.
  • Helmet sizes adhere to established measurement scales by law.
  • Some overlap exists but helmets prioritize skull security versus hat comfort.

While easy reference points, most helmet brands recommend ignoring hat size and using direct head measurements for safety.

How Do You Correctly Use Brand or Model Specific Sizing Charts?

Follow these best practices when consulting sizing charts:

  • Refer to the manufacturer chart for the exact make and model helmet. Sizes vary across brands.
  • Use the circumference measurement for overall sizing guidance.
  • Check listed head shape of helmet alongside dimensions to get ideal match.
  • Confirm any age guidance for youth versus adult sizing.
  • Consider listed activities and conditions if selecting helmet for a specific sport. Features impact fit.
  • Account for hairstyle, accessories if measuring over hair by adjusting up.
  • Try on helmets where possible, using chart as starting point.

While indispensable starting guides, fit can deviate. Verify comfort.

What Are Some Limitations to Sizing Charts?

Sizing charts create starting points but have constraints:

  • Charts reflect brand testing averages, not universal fits guaranteed for every head.
  • Testing tolerances allow for variances between samples of the same listed size.
  • Shapes suited for certain activities differ, affecting individual fit.
  • Desired accessories underneath impact sizing needs.
  • Charts create size ranges, not absolute single size certainty.
  • Users may fall between standard sizes in some brands.
  • Children’s rapid growth quickly changes ideal fit.

Consider charts useful heuristics but expect needing flexible adjustments. Try before buying if possible.

What Is the Best Way to Handle Being Between Standard Helmet Sizes?

Strategies for between sizes include:

  • Size up to the larger size then use thinner sizing pads for custom slimming.
  • Only size down if measurement is under maximum of smaller range, then add thicker pads.
  • Seek brands offering half sizes or additional adjustment mechanisms.
  • For kids, size up to accommodate imminent growth if possible.
  • Compare different helmet shapes and brands for better proportions.
  • For active sports, smaller often preferred to limit shifting during motion.

Ideal fit means avoiding excessive tightness or looseness that permits sliding. Fine tuning through pads provides affordability flexibility. Seek professional guidance to maximize both safety and enjoyment.

What Are Some Tips for Measuring Long or Irregularly Shaped Heads?

Unusual head shapes require extra attention:

  • Capture multiple measurements to cross-check consistency.
  • Measure widest points side-to-side and front-to-back for comparison beyond circumference.
  • For extreme length, measure from forehead to chin or nape of neck as reference points.
  • Use flexible cloth tape that contours smoothly instead of buckling.
  • Check sizing charts for brands optimized for oblong, narrow or wide heads.
  • Avoid forcing an uneasy fit relying on pads. Seek out helmets engineered for atypical profiles.
  • Consult professionals early who can use 3D mapping for precision.

While seldom disqualifying, head shape complexities deserve diligence to prevent injury and discomfort.

What Are Some Best Practices for Getting Kids to Hold Still for Measurements?

Parents can help make the process smooth:

  • Explain importance of measurements ahead of time so they understand.
  • Make a game of it – add excitement and reward cooperation.
  • Use distraction like favorite songs or shows playing in background.
  • Schedule after naps or meals when they are relaxed.
  • Demonstrate on yourself first so they understand steps.
  • Give them the tape to hold or play with before using it.
  • Work in tandem with another adult to engage them.
  • Stop immediately if they become fussy – pause and restart later.

Patience and positivity, not force, yield the best results measuring young ones.

What Are Professional Helmet Fitting Services and What Do They Provide?

Specialty fitting options include:

  • Head mapping – Use 3D scanners to precisely capture unique head shape digitally for custom helmets.
  • Fit technicians – Staff at specialty shops position and adjust helmets to optimize comfort and alignment.
  • Medical referrals – Doctors recommend helmet modifications to account for special needs and conditions.
  • Helmet provider services – Certain brands offer fittings by trained representatives.
  • Sport team fittings – School and club teams bring in experts to fit equipment.
  • Coach consultations – Youth coaches guide helmet adjustment for teams.

Expert insight combines precise measurements with holistic comfort and performance needs. Seek it out for confidence.

5 Key Facts About Measuring Heads for Helmets

  • Use a flexible tape measure wrapped evenly for circumference.
  • Measure above eyebrows and ears for consistent positioning.
  • Take measurements in evenings to account for swelling during day.
  • Avoid relying solely on hat sizes which differ from helmets.
  • Have children’s heads measured by an attentive helper for best results.


Getting one’s head measured accurately is essential for identifying well-fitting helmets optimized for protection and enjoyment. While users can self-measure at home, avoiding common tape mistakes and inconsistencies makes a big difference. Expert guidance and equipment can also provide precision mapping and fittings for special cases beyond DIY techniques. But whether through traditional tape measuring or advanced 3D scanning, the best helmet fit stems from diligent measurements capturing the right cranial circumference and accounting for hairstyles. Safety then gets customized through inserted pads allowing micro adjustments. Checking measurements against up-to-date size charts provides important reference, though trying helmets on is ideal before purchasing. Providing some slack for growth allows kids’ helmets to evolve with them. With care and patience, proper head measuring reduces discomfort while ensuring helmets can fully protect those brave noggins as we play and ride.

5 Key Questions About Measuring Heads for Helmets

1. How often should you re-measure your head for helmet fitting?

It’s best to re-measure about once a year to account for any growth or changes in head size. More frequent re-measuring is recommended for growing kids.

2. Can you measure head size over hair for a looser helmet fit?

Yes, measuring over voluminous hair styles adds a bit more margin to accommodate the hair once inside the helmet. Just account for extra snugness.

3. Does head shape really matter beyond basic size measurements?

Yes, helmets are designed to fit different shaped heads like round, oval, or oblong. Knowing your shape helps select the helmet model optimized for comfort.

4. Can helmets be safely resized once purchased?

No, never attempt DIY helmet modifications as it risks the protective qualities. Use measurement adjustments to exchange for a different size.

5. How can you measure an infant’s head if they constantly move?

Gently take measurements during calm times like naps. Also try having a second person gently hold the head while the other measures quickly but delicately.

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