What is a MIPS Helmet?

MIPS stands for Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. This refers to a special safety layer used in helmets designed to reduce rotational motion transmitted to the brain during certain crashes. But how exactly does MIPS work and what are the real-world benefits? This guide examines the MIPS system, its development, testing results, integration in helmets, and more.

What Issue Was MIPS Created to Address for Helmet Safety?

MIPS aims to reduce concussions and brain injuries caused by:

  • Rotational motion – The brain rotates inside the skull during angled impacts if the head twists. This strains and damages brain tissue.
  • Diffuse axonal injury – Braincells tear due to over-stretching, interrupting critical connections.
  • Coup/Contrecoup – The brain slams skull sides at crash then rebounds back.

Traditional helmets are tested for direct linear impacts only. MIPS adds protection against these additional forces in common accidents.

How Does the MIPS Brain Protection System Work?

MIPS integrates a low friction layer into helmets that allows for a relative motion of 10-15mm between the head and helmet in angled impacts:

  • The MIPS layer floats between the outer shell and inner liner.
  • It reduces rotational force transferred to head and brain on hits.
  • The head slides relative to helmet, absorbing rotation before the helmet then takes over support.
  • This dual action better mimics the brain’s own cerebrospinal fluid protections.

The result is a helmet that still protects against direct impacts but also better defends against dangerous rotational motions not addressed in standard helmet testing.

What Evidence Supports the Safety Benefits of MIPS?

Extensive MIPS research includes:

  • Computer simulations modeling oblique crashes with and without MIPS layer. Showed reduced strain.
  • Lab testing using crash dummies and later cadavers. Again less rotational motion with MIPS system.
  • Real-world testing crashing already injured helmets at angles. Confirmed lower forces.
  • Monitoring concussions for MIPS vs non-MIPS wearers in sports leagues over time. Lower rates seen.
  • MRI scans showing reduced brain deformation in angle crashes.

While difficult to simulate perfectly, MIPS continually conducts tests and data analysis supporting their claims under a wide array of conditions. The results convince many experts this technology aids safety.

How Did MIPS Originate and Evolve Over Time?

MIPS began in 1996 as a Swedish research project between industrial designer Peter Halldin and neurosurgeon Hans von Holst. Milestones included:

  • 1990s – Lab testing shows promise, patents filed.
  • 2001 – MIPS AB founded to commercialize technology.
  • 2004 – First MIPS systems integrated into snowsports helmets.
  • 2007 – Expands into bike helmets, begins partnerships with major brands.
  • 2011 – Introduces MIPS-E2 enhanced system with new materials and fit.
  • 2016 – MIPS now in over 200 models across multiple sports and activities.
  • 2018 – MIPS purchased by helmet giant POC.
  • 2022 – Over 150 brands now use MIPS. Millions of helmets sold.

Through continuous innovation and an evolving body of evidence, MIPS established itself as an industry-leading helmet safety enhancement.

What Are the Main Components and Materials That Make Up MIPS?

Key elements of the MIPS system include:

  • Low-friction layer – Polyethylene plastic with patented perforation and tessellation patterns that facilitates relative motion.
  • Anchorage system – Elastomeric attachments that suspend the MIPS layer between shell and liner.
  • Control cage – Provides additional stability around the head’s center of gravity.
  • Protection pads – Foam pads that facilitate sliding and prevent force concentrations.
  • Overlying comfort padding – Soft foam and fabric layers in areas of direct scalp contact.

The combination enables both sliding motion and stable support where needed. MIPS works with helmet makers to integrate these components using various technical fabrics and polymers.

How Is MIPS Actually Integrated Into the Structure of a Helmet?

Helmet brands use a few techniques to install MIPS modules:

  • MIPS Slip-Plane – MIPS layer floats freely between shell and head without attachments. Simpler to implement.
  • MIPS-equipped comfort pads – Special MIPS foam pads clip into existing pad anchors instead of a full liner.
  • Anchor-based MIPS integration – Elastomer anchors suspend a MIPS low-friction layer fully between shell and head.
  • Hybrid models – Combine anchor mounting with comfort pads and other stability features. Added control.
  • Proprietary alternatives – Some brands use licensed MIPS concepts or create their own systems with similar goals.

Full MIPS liners provide the most coverage and prototypical sliding function. But simplified options make adding this safety feature easier and more affordable.

Do MIPS Helmets Require Special Care or have Drawbacks?

MIPS helmets have some care and use considerations:

  • Inspection – Must regularly check that MIPS anchors or pads are undamaged and sitting flat in channels.
  • Replacement – Replace MIPS parts after any significant impact as sliding motion may have weakened or warped them.
  • Sensitivity – Avoid applying stickers, covers, or other addons that could impede MIPS function.
  • Cleaning – Flowing water and wiping only. No soaking pads or harsh cleaners that may degrade lubricity.
  • Cost – MIPS adds expense of $20-$100 typically over a non-MIPS model.
  • Weight – Can add 50-150 grams of mass depending on integration.
  • Compatibility – Liner shape must allow decent MIPS coverage and some hairstyles may restrict motion.

While a proven safety advantage, the MIPS system introduces some new steps to preserve full functionality.

Are There Any Valid Concerns or Controversies Surrounding MIPS?

Some debates surrounding MIPS include:

  • Limited real-world medical evidence of reduced concussions, relying on lab tests.
  • Potential for false confidence in unproven protection, increasing accident risk-taking.
  • Unclear if MIPS truly simulates brain cerebrospinal fluid properties accurately.
  • Imperfect transfer of results from dummy/cadaver testing to live humans.
  • Unknowns around how hair, sweat, fit adjustments affect MIPS sliding function over time.
  • Possible restriction of airflow and heat dissipation with extra layer.
  • Questions around optimal low-friction materials and anchor configurations.

More longitudinal data and research will help establish MIPS’ benefits definitively. But the concept shows promise for improving safety.

How Can You Identify a Helmet Equipped With MIPS or a Similar System?

  • Look for a small yellow MIPS logo tag on the helmet shell or liner.
  • Brands advertise MIPS models prominently on packaging, websites, and stores.
  • More expensive model lines tend to include the MIPS upgrade.
  • Helmet name may include “MIPS”, or “SPIN” for POC/Giro MIPS models.
  • Some brands use alternative mitigation systems like WaveCel, ODS, or Koroyd. Check brand websites.

Trying on the helmet, you may be able to see or feel the MIPS layer on inside depending on integration style. Discuss with an expert if uncertain.

5 Key Questions About MIPS Helmet Technology

1. Does MIPS make helmets heavier?

Yes, typically between 50-150 grams heavier depending on integration method. But the safety gains are viewed as worth the marginal extra mass.

2. Can you add MIPS to a non-MIPS helmet?

No, the layers must be engineered into the helmet during manufacturing. But some brands sell conversion kits with MIPS pads to retrofit select models.

3. Does MIPS weaken a helmet over time?

Provided MIPS parts remain intact after any impacts, the lubricity and function should not degrade with normal use for the helmet’s lifetime.

4. Should MIPS helmets be sized differently?

No, manufacturers aim to maintain the same fit and sizing. But try it on to ensure good compatibility with your head shape and hairstyle.

5. Can MIPS prevent concussions completely?

No system fully eliminates concussion risk. But MIPS provides an incremental safety benefit against certain skull and brain forces in angled impacts.


The MIPS protection system leverages a low friction layer to allow slight relative motion between a helmet and head upon angled impact. This aims to better protect against dangerous rotational violence and diffuse brain injuries that traditional helmets do not address. Developed in Sweden the 1990s and now backed by over 20 years of testing, MIPS is widely embraced as an effective technology to reduce concussion risk. As adoption expands across cycling, snow sports, and other helmet types, the identifiable yellow MIPS logo signals a smart investment for enhanced protection. While still improving, MIPS sets a new standard that shows the next era of safer helmets will require looking beyond direct linear impacts alone. For those seeking to protect their brain health, a helmet integrating MIPS creates tangible benefits worth the small additional cost.

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